There are a number of ways you can support professional creatives that are #UpForCollab on EyeEm. Our goal is to make it even easier for you to support and empower professional creatives, from image licensing to creating one-off projects, #UpForCollab is designed to help you use your budget to help creatives in need of support.
- License images from the #UpForCollab to use in your next campaigns: Find incredible visuals in our ‘Up For Collab’ image collection. We share the revenue of every sale with the creative, so you can get the visuals you need and show your support at the same time.”
- Collaborate with creative professionals for one-off projects:
Elevate your brand but don’t break your budget. We’re working with a global network for professional photographers already based where you need them and ready to shoot for your brand. Simply fill out the form on the #UpForCollab brands website and use the drop-down option named 'I am a brand looking to collaborate with a creative' to notify our team. From there, our team will get in touch to find out more about what you’re working on and match you with professional creatives on EyeEm that will bring your project to life! - Share the news with your own network to give our creatives more reach:
Show you care about the creative industries by supporting #UpForCollab. Besides purchasing images you can also spread the word with our free resource kit. Use our free materials on your site or social media streams to help the hundreds of creatives needing a boost right now.
Download the free kit on the #UpForCollab website now.
If you represent press you can also use the form on the #UpForCollab brands website to request our comprehensive #UpForCollab press kit.