Removing Photos
If you no longer wish for your photo to be on Market, then you can click on the ‘Remove From Market’ button in the photo viewer.
Some photos are unable to be deleted right away. This is because they have sold on Market or are being processed by our affiliate partnership companies.
If you have any queries related to this, please contact us at with the subject line "delete my photo" and the photo IDs in the message.
Closing Account
We’d be sad to see you leave, but here’s how to close your account. Please note that once you've deleted your account you cannot recover it. All your photos on EyeEm Market and Partner Collection will be pulled once your account is deleted.
iOS & Android
Step 1: Open Settings.
Step 2: Click on 'Change Email & Password'.
Step 3: 'Delete Account' is at the bottom of the page.
Step 1: Open Settings.
Step 2: At the bottom of the Account Settings page is the ‘Delete Account’ button.
Some accounts are unable to be deleted right away. Try paying out unclaimed earnings* and wait for them to arrive on your PayPal account. This can take up to 7 days. Then try again.
* If your unclaimed earnings are below $10, please contact with the subject line "delete my account". Make sure it's from the same E-Mail address associated to your EyeEm account.