Photos rejections on Market can happen for a number of reasons:
- Repetitive content (nature, etc) - Diversify your photos. Uploading similar shots or images which are always the same will mean fewer of your images will be chosen for Market. Our Partners tend to refuse photos that come from a similar series. We recommend picking the best photo out of the entire series to add to Market.
- Out of focus - Images which are not clearly defined can also be rejected. For example:
- Under exposed/over exposed - Photos that are either too dark or too light will not be accepted.
- Too noisy - Photos that are too grainy will not be accepted.
- Low resolution - Photos need to have a resolution higher than 4 megapixels to be licensed on Market.
- Watermarks - Photos with watermarks cannot be sold on EyeEm Market. In the example below, the name in the bottom right hand corner needs to be removed. To look like this:
- Overly edited - Buyers won’t consider photos where the edits are too extreme. For example:
- Terms of Service - Photos that breach the EyeEm Terms Of Service can also be rejected.
- Photo Collages - Photos that contain multiple images will not be chosen. For example: