Once you have added a photo to Market, one of EyeEm’s reviewers will check if it needs any releases. Review time can vary from a few days to a couple of weeks.
You may see some photos going through the process very quickly, whilst others take longer. EyeEm’s computer vision technology identifies photos with the highest commercial potential. These photos get fast tracked through the review process.
Why is my photo taking so long to be reviewed?
Two things can slow down our reviewing process:
Releases - Please do not sign releases that you do not own the rights to because this will delay the review process. It is important to also understand that by submitting photos with incorrect releases you expose yourself to legal risk, should a problem occur.
Copyright - You must own or control the copyright to all content you submit to EyeEm. This means that you can’t upload photos that are obtained from other sources, such as online image search results or websites. Furthermore, images taken by you that are already granted exclusively to someone else, can’t be uploaded either.